Immunity Strengthening Massage

Would you like to enjoy not only the summer, but also the winter with a strong and healthy immune system, without diseases or weaknesses, cheerfully, energetically, and in physical and mental well-being?

A healthy immune system can easily cope with harmful effects, attacks by viruses and bacteria, but if we do not replace the immune-boosting substances in the right quantity and quality, our body's defenses can be significantly reduced, which, among other things, increases the risk of developing various infections or even degenerative diseases risk as well. So strengthening our immune system is key to maintaining our health.

Did you know that, in addition to supplying the immune system with the right nutrients and vitamins, we can also effectively support it with a massage?

Why? Because massage is not only an effective remedy for muscle pain, stiff joints and stress, it is also excellent for preventing diseases, strengthening the immune system and improving general well-being.

How and what does the massage affect?

The lymphatic system is the organ system of the immune system, which consists of lymphatic organs and the lymphatic vessels that connect them. Lymphatic organs include the bone marrow, thymus gland, spleen, lymph nodes, and a host of other organs that perform other immune functions. The lymphatic system plays an extremely important role in removing toxins and bacteria from the body. Its activation is especially recommended during the winter, as it excellently supports the immune system. It helps fight infections and inflammations. If the lymphatic circulation works well, the body's self-cleansing and detoxification process starts: - and waste products are more easily eliminated through the kidneys and digestive system.

As a result of "detoxification", the immune system is strengthened, and this initiates certain self-healing processes. With the immune-boosting lymphatic massage, we can effectively drain the lymphatic fluid from the interstitial space and thereby cleanse our body and increase our resistance.

The lymphatic massage takes approx. It exerts its beneficial effects after 10 - 12 sessions, so it is worth using as a cure. At first, two treatments per week are recommended, followed by one treatment per month as a maintenance measure, with adequate fluid intake. (at least 2 liters of water, natural fruit or vegetable juices per day)